Dry Ice Technology Co., Ltd.

 Company Profile i3 Micro Clean S4SDI-Select-60Aero 40P1500 PelletizerE160 PelletizerR1500 Reformer
Product Name
Product Description

The new Cold Jet E160 Pelletizer is a highly efficient dry ice extruder designed to make dry ice pellets and nuggets with minimal space requirements. The fully automatic E160 Pelletizer produces up to 160 kg (352 lbs) per hour of consistent, high density dry ice pellets or nuggets on demand. The E160 Pelletizer provides the highest output with the smallest footprint, lowest maintenance cost and lowest energy consumption.

It is simple to operate - either as a stand alone machine or when integrated into an automated dry ice cleaning or surface preparation system. Cold Jet once again sets a new industry standard for dry ice production with the E160 Pelletizer.